The Kosovo Trust Agency is privatising Socially Owned Enterprises in Kosovo through the methods of spin-off and liquidation. Here you will find results of the previous Tenders |
Click on the Privatisation wave to get more information |
Gjilan: Pasuria Bujqësore. Mitrovica: Çyçavica. Peja: AC Bujqësia, Dubrava. Prishtina: Urata, Mekanizimi - Ferizaj.
Special Spin Off: Morava e Binçës.
Launch Day |
Last Day for
Pre-Qualification |
Bid Day |
Bids will be accepted on the 12th December 2007 from 10:00 - 12:00
05 December 2007 |
12 December 2007 |
Gjilan: KBI Agrokultura, 17 Nëntori, Letnica, Kosovatrans - Ferizaj, Kosovatrans - Gjilan. Mitrovica: Çyçavica. Peja: AC Bujqësia, Dubrava. Prishtina: Kosova Elektro. Prizren: Zhupa Reçan.
Launch Day |
Last Day for
Pre-Qualification |
Bid Day |
Bids will be accepted on the 17th October 2007 from 10:00 - 12:00
10 October 2007 |
17 October 2007 |
Gjilan: Morava e Epërme, Hotel Mineral, Karaqeva, NBI Agromorava. Mitrovica: Elan, Lux, IMB, AC Likovci, Çyçavica, Leather Factory, AC 23 Nëntori. Peja: AC Rugova, AC Bujqësia, Ereniku. Prishtina: Kosova Elektro, Llapi. Prizren: NBI Suhareka.
Launch Day |
Last Day for
Pre-Qualification |
Bid Day |
Bids will be accepted on the 22nd August 2007 from 10:00 - 12:00
20 June 2007 |
15 August 2007 |
22 August 2007 |
Gjilan: NBI Agromorava, Pasuria Bujqësore. Peja: AC Bujqësia. Prishtina: Ndërtimtari, Llapi . Prizren: NTP Komuna, NTSh Podrimja, AC Kooperimi, Kosovatrans.
Launch Day |
Last Day for
Pre-Qualification |
Bid Day |
Bids will be accepted on the 18th July 2007 from 10:00 - 12:00
16 May 2007 |
11 July 2007 |
18 July 2007 |
Gjilan: Agrokultura, Pasuria Bujqësore, Kualiteti, Grafikos. Mitrovica: Lux, AC Bujku, Product. Peja: TE Klina, AC Shtupel, AC Bujqësia. Prishtina: Kosova-Elektro, AC Shtime, Gërmia, Urata, Duhani, Llapi, Rilindja, Dardania, AC Liria, Drenica, Bujqësia. Prizren: PrizrenCoop, TE Zhupa - Reçan, Podrimja, 25 May, Liria.
Special Spin-Off: Minex;
Launch Day |
Last Day for
Pre-Qualification |
Bid Day |
There is going to be only one round of bidding for Regular Spin-Off
17 April 2007 |
13 June 2007 |
20 June 2007 |
Gjilan: 17 Nëntori, Tregtia, KBI Agrokultura. Mitrovica: AC Bujku, Çyçavica - Vushtrri, Teuta Bare. Peja: AC Bec, TE Klina, Korenik, AC Irzniq, Elmont, Hidromont. Prishtina: Kosova-Elektro, Mekanizimi, Urata, Drithnaja, Llapi, AC Drita - Podujevë. Prizren: PrizrenCoop, TE Zhupa - Reçan, Mirusha - Malisheva.
Launch Day |
Last Day for
Pre-Qualification |
Bid Day |
There is going to be only one round of bidding for Regular Spin-Off
20 March 2007 |
16 May 2007 |
23 May 2007 |
Gjilan: AC Ferizaj, Morava e Binçës, Morava e Epërme. Mitrovica: Agrokultura, Forestry Economy - Skenderaj. Peja: AC Malishgan, AC Deçani. Prishtina: 28 Nëntori, Pashtriku, Mulliri - Shops, Ingeniering, AC Besa - Podujevë. Prizren: Progres-Export, Liria, Zhupa - Reçan.
Launch Day |
Last Day for
Pre-Qualification |
Bid Day |
There is going to be only one round of bidding for Regular Spin-Off
14 February 2007 |
11 April 2007 |
18 April 2007 |
Gjilan: 17 Nëntori, Barnatorja Popullore. Mitrovica: Produkt, IMB, Drenica, Veterinary Station - Skenderaj. Peja: TE Klina, Ereniku, AC Gurrakoc, Slaughterhouse - Istog, Veterinary Station - Istog. Prishtina: Rilindja Bookshops. Prizren: Podrima, Prizrencoop, Sharrprodhimi, Koritniku, Liria.
Special Spin-Off: Tullara, XIM Strezoc and Goleshi Mines;
Launch Day |
Last Day for
Pre-Qualification |
Bid Day |
There is going to be only one round of bidding for Regular Spin-Off
28 December 2006 |
28 February 2007 |
07 March 2007 |
Peja: Agimi - Gjakova, AC Bec, AC Istog, AC Drelaj, AC Drita Raushiq, Dubrava, Elmont, Hidromont. Gjilan: 17 Nëntori, 28 Nëntori. Mitrovica: Agrokultura, Produkti. Prizren: 1 May. Prishtina: Urata, Llapi, Magjistrala, Dardania;
Launch Day |
Last Day for
Pre-Qualification |
Bid Day |
There is going to be only one round of bidding for Regular Spin-Off
04 December 2006 |
31 January 2007 |
07 February 2007 |